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Monday, 4 April 2011

Crunchy Strawberry and Gooseberry Delight

Crunchy Strawberry and Gooseberry Delight
  • 350g Strawberries
  • 350g Gooseberries
  • 2 Tablespoons runny honey
  • 500g Natural Greek yoghurt
  • 150g Crunchy oat breakfast cereal
You can use any kind of crunchy mix you like. Some breakfast cereals have lots of fat or sugar in them; so if you pick one of those for a topping, use a little less. You can use this recipe with any kind of fresh fruit and you can have natural yoghurt that has bits of fruit in too, if you like! You can use your imagination!
How to make it:
  1. Wash and drain the strawberries and the gooseberries
  2. Cut of top and bottom of gooseberries add sweetener and cook them for 5 mins (until soft), then leave to cool.
  3. “Hull” the strawberries- that is, take the little leaves off the top and if the strawberries are large, sometimes the white bit next to the leaves is a bit tough, in which case slice it out, chop the strawberries
  4. Put a few small strawberries on one side for decoration later.
  5. In another bowl, mix the natural yoghurt with the breakfast cereal.
  6. Stir the honey into the yoghurt mix.
  7. Put a layer of strawberries, then layer of yoghurt mix, layer of gooseberries and a squeeze of honey and decorate with some small strawberries.

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