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Monday, 4 April 2011

Tinned Apple Crumble

Tinned Apple Crumble
Ingredients (Serves 6-8)
225g (8oz) plain flour
115g (4oz) sunflower spread
55g (2oz) porridge oats
55g (2oz) sugar or 3tsp granulated sweetener
2 tins of apple
1 lemon or orange
Open the tins of apples and place in oven proof dish
For the crumble topping, rub together the flour and sunflower spread in a mixing bowl until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the porridge oats and sugar.
Place the cooked apples in the base of a lightly greased heatproof bowl.  Sprinkle over the crumble topping and level the surface.
Place in a pre-heated oven for 35-40 minutes, or until the topping is
Serve hot or warm with natural yoghurt, or custard made with skimmed milk.
Handy Hints
Use wholemeal flour to make pastry or biscuits with extra fibre.  For extra flavour and texture sprinkle 1 teaspoon (5ml) of ground cinnamon and 50g (2oz) Californian seedless raisins over the apples before covering with the crumble topping.  Freeze the Crumble on the day of making and use within one month.

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